The Ramayana – ancient Sanskrit allegory

The Ramayana is a Hindu epic poem about Rama and Sita, written in Sanskrit. The story is ascribed to the poet Valmiki, who allegedly received it from the gods while residing in Northern India, c. 300-400 BCE.

Valmiki, a contemporary of Rama composes the R...
Valmiki, a contemporary of Rama composes the Ramayana. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Ramayana tells a story about banishment and return. It deals with ethics, lies, gossip, unusual spirituality, and Hindu beliefs about purity of dharma.

A good, basic summary can be found here » It should be noted, however, that there are different versions of the tale, different plot developments, and so on.

Sourav Roy adds:

After some exhaustive research, I have reached to a conclusion that versions of Ramayana exists in many languages, including Annamese, Balinese, Bengali, Cambodian, Chinese, Gujarati, Javanese, Kannada, Kashmiri, Khotanese, Laotian, Malaysian, Marathi, Oriya, Prakrit, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, etc. In Sanskrit itself there are 25 different versions. According to A. K. Ramanujam, more than 300 tellings of Ramayana exist.

Each has newer dimensions, more fascinating than the other. Read them in reverse order here- ¹

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Artists performing dance drama on Ramayana at the Central Park in New Delhi.

Along with the Mahabharata, the Ramayana is considered one of the great treasures of Hindu religious literature. Together, these epics continue to exert a huge influence on contemporary Hindu culture. Every Hindu child knows the story, just as most Western kids know about Adam and Eve.


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  1. // Om Shri Hanumate Namah: //

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    YouRs SinCereLy M!sTer CrippLeD SaM


  2. Gods did not tell Valmiki to write the story . The names of Gods were used like celebrity names in today’s business ventures (like the IPL for example).Generally Gods nor celebrities have got nothing to do with Ramayana nor IPL respectively.

    The Story of Ramayana was basically the story of the First person in the Asian civilizations who first discovered Agriculture and was the first Warrior who fought for his love from the Mighty Atlantians( Aliens ) somewhere in the Meditteranian.

    The Atlantians were the Stranded Aliens who taught the early nomadic Stone Age Egyptians about the Metalcraft.

    Coming back to Rama , Rama on the journey to win his love back saw great strides made by the Egyptians in Technology and Agriculture and brought those civilization stuffs back to India and then started the first Agriculture civilizations ….later the first Cities of Indus valley civilization.

    Read my blog for illustrations , why Valmiki the first person to write down the orally translated versions of Ramayana have made Rama’s character and costume more like that of Aryans.(Rama’s clan was basically the forefathers of the Dasyus in India)

    Also read why Egypt became Sri Lanka in the first written version of Ramayana , whereas the original Lanka was Egypt……Remember we often Lanka as “Sone ki Lanka”
    [ Golden Lanka] . We have Egypt very often closely associated with the Gold.

    So Read the blog and give your views too:


  3. After some exhaustive research, I have reached to a conclusion that versions of Ramayana exists in many languages, including Annamese, Balinese, Bengali, Cambodian, Chinese, Gujarati, Javanese, Kannada, Kashmiri, Khotanese, Laotian, Malaysian, Marathi, Oriya, Prakrit, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tibetan, etc. In Sanskrit itself there are 25 different versions. According to A. K. Ramanujam, more than 300 tellings of Ramayana exist.

    Each has newer dimensions, more fascinating than the other.

    Read them in reverse order here-

    Liked by 1 person

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