
Tondo of the Aison Cup, showing the victory of...
Tondo of the Aison Cup, showing the victory of Theseus over the Minotaur in the presence of Athena. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In Greek legend Theseus is a national hero and the founder-king of Athens. He appears in the tale of Oedipus, among others. Theseus is probably best known for traveling to Crete and killing the Minotaur. Also popular is the tale of his escaping the labyrinth with the help of Ariadne.

Another hero figure in the annals of ancient myth, we’d do well to remember that hero stories can be inspiring but should not replace the intricacies of modern life. To over identify with an archetypal story can lead to all sorts of psychological and practical problems.¹

¹ See Stuff Jeff Reads’ excellent discussion on this topic »


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